About Me

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Spring Hill, TN, United States
I have always had an unending desire to be with my children. Yet, I never equated that it would lead to homeschooling. Five years after my oldest son started school, with the other two following, my yearning to be with my boys has led to the decision to bring all three little men home to: educate, explore, engage, and elevate. If you know me, you would know that this won't be done simply. Everything must have a little magic in it. Here is our chronicle of turning our home into a world of learning, in The School House at 9 3/4.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Creation of The School House at 9 3/4

I always loved school. Even after attending eleven new schools before finally settling into Durham, California where I finished middle and high school, I love it. Loved the smell of the classroom (except after recess when the sweaty boys came in), the library and the unending shelves of books, chalk boards (eliminated after long years have passed), schedules, friends-all of it. I essentially loved learning, and loved the social aspect of it as well. So when Jayden came along, Benjamin seventeen months later, and Elliott nineteen months after that (yes, I cried a lot during those years), I never entertained the idea of homeschooling. I was eager for them to take part in all that I had as a child, only at one school, rather then the eleven. I felt very impelled to teach my children to embrace other's differences in their ways of living. Be loving to them in such a strong manner that others would gravitate towards this love. To me, being at home would hide that love therefore the need for being "in school" was there.

So for five years we did this. Jayden started school, Benjamin followed, and Elliott a year after that. Each of them excelled. They were strong students, attentive helpers to their teachers, and loving friends (at least this is the report I have been given). But in the year that Elliott went to kindergarten l I had this, annoying at times, burning feeling. I was missing my boys. When snow days, or holidays, happened I rejoiced at them being home, and sent away the neighborhood kids when they asked if the boys could play. If there was an extra day to be at home we were spending it together! As weekends would come to an end I would become panicked. I wanted more time with them. In February of that year I started to ask myself what was wrong with me. (Just joking.)  I was noticing that not all the other moms felt this way. I knew it wasn't because my children were any different then other children . . . So why then . . .? This is when I put together two things that I knew to be true: One, desires are imparted and planted deep within for a reason. Two, if you do not chase after that desire you will not feel fulfilled.

So what could I do with this desire? It seemed simple once it dawned on me. Why had I been contesting it? Wasn't there a way I could match my desire to have my children consistently loving on others, and yet feed my desire to be with them? As I began researching I kept feeling: I was meant to do this all along...I was made for this...I could do this. I could homeschool. I would homeschool.

The next step was getting the boys and the husband to agree. I knew I couldn't be the only one wanting for our lives to change in such an absurd way. It took two seconds for Benjamin and Elliott to agree. Two weeks for Jayden to join the bandwagon. Two hour conversations with the husband for him to say "Not only am I backing you up because it is your conviction but because I believe this is right for our family." We all agreed. Then, it was the rest of you that we would have to battle to understand our reasoning. But how do we explain it? We don't have any tales of how our children were mistreated in the school system. We were blessed with remarkable teachers throughout each of the boys learning. We don't have off emotional reasons for bringing our children home. We do NOT believe it is what all families are called to do. We plainly and simply want to be with our children, are capable of educating the boys from home. So why not?

Why not fill our home with magical love for education. From here on out I will chronicle our stories of our days at The School House at 9 3/4 here. You can follow our voyage as we see how the decision pans out. There will be commical days, I am sure. There will be trying times, and joyful celebrations. We will have to reinvent our way of being LOVE in the lives of those in our community. If anything I wish to grow in my children the desire to be with, love on, and desire community with others around us. Bringing them into our home to educate does not in any way mean sheltering them from the world that needs them. To me it actually means giving me eight more hours a day to shadow, to lead, and to empower them to be those who make themselves known for love. They are little boys I know, but we start now we might be pleasantly surprised in years to come!
Please follow our excursion. Please share it. I promise a laugh here and there. And I know it will often be an account of a girl who failed as a mother. As Dumbledore says "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." And hopefully we will see our choice and desire for this change to be ever profitable for our three little men well above my (and husband's) abilities.